A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

September 9, 2012

RCT’s Encore Fundraiser

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 12:43 pm

Last night, Rochester Civic Theatre held their annual fundraiser, Encore, at the theatre. Seemed like a good turn-out to me. There was good food – really good food – and a cash bar to begin the evening. This being a theatre, you know there’s going to be entertainment, mainly provided by the cast of the current show, The Marvelous Wonderettes.

They were awesome, just like on opening night the evening before. I had my trusty camera with me and grabbed some shots during dinner and during other parts of the program, including our mayor coming on stage wearing a Harley Davidson leather jacket!

But I thought I’d show off some of the shots of the Wonderettes cast here – sort of a preview of the show photos.

Probably the most noticeable feature is the bright colors. Of course, the girls have the requisite hair colors, blond, red, and two shades of brunette. But the dresses are what grab your eyes.

The songs are late fifties and sixties, mainly of the style employing a lead singer and a group of back-ups. So, we had some strong spot lights with a bit more subdued lighting behind.

This sometimes adds a lot of contrast to the shots, but it actually works fine since the focus is really on the gal up front, and the lighting draws you there. That’s the intention of the lighting, of course, for the actual live performance.

For a fundraiser like this, consider that the actors, the band, the two folks running the spots, and the woman running the mic levels are all volunteers. So are the group of young actors who manned the red carpet in front of the theatre as the paparazzi. I’m sure there were others. This is something very special about the arts, and particularly the performing arts. This theatre is a place they need to be there for them.

It was a fun evening. Lynne and I were there until they were literally rolling up the carpet. Hanging with friends, enjoying their company, and glad we have a civic theatre of this caliber here in Rochester.

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