A.D. Drumm Images, LLC – Landscape, Portrait, and Fine Art Photography in Rochester MN Photography

January 26, 2012

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Coming Soon

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 5:38 pm

As RCT’s production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe grows closer, it was time to shoot some promotional shots for ads. When I arrived, Mari was working on the lion’s make-up. It’s fun to watch. Last August for the volunteer party, I donned Charlie Chaplin’s tramp attire, and Lynne did some eye make-up on me. I have to say, it was strange having that make-up applied. I guess folks must get used to it!

The promo shots need to happen well before opening, but this usually means costumes and sets are still being created. We need enough costumes for the principal actors to have at least one available. Sets – well, those are generally starting to come together, but just. I try to be extra vigilant about what is behind the actors and adjust my shooting angles to work with what we have.

These shots worked out nicely in that the background was mostly much darker than the subjects. A little touching up in Lightroom also helps.

Greg wanted individual shots of the White Witch and Aslan, the lion. Lisa’s expression and pose is priceless!

I went in pretty tight on Ted. This shows off the great job Mari did on his make-up. I was pleased to see the great costumes and all the color. I’m looking forward to shooting the show photos.

You can purchase tickets now. It should be a terrific show!

January 13, 2012

Head Shots for Narnia

Filed under: Rochester Civic Theatre — Tony Drumm @ 6:59 pm

Rochester Civic Theatre’s next production, well into rehearsals now, is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. This is the C.S. Lewis tale about a mythical land called Narnia. While I’m certainly familiar with the name, and I knew there is a Lion in it (yes, it’s right there in the title), I’ve never read the book. Lynne and I just saw the movie recently after recording it on our DVR. I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays on the stage.

I was down to the theatre a week ago to shoot head shots. There’s a fairly large cast. Word was that the auditions brought out tons of actors which is great. The head shot shoot went well, and everyone who needed a new head shot was there! The young man above has a name I can easily remember – Tony! His pose was all him, and I think it turned out great.

Some folks love having their photos taken. Others are more reluctant. I can understand that. I’m a whole lot more comfortable on my regular side of the camera, although I’m getting better at just letting go and relaxing when someone takes my photo. I think maybe it’s because of my own shooting. Who knows?

Anyway, Carl wasn’t jumping up and down to have his photo shot, but as soon as I took it, I knew it was going to be just fine. I think his face shows lots of character.

There are others whom the camera loves. I’ve shot Ellie a few times and I don’t think I have a less than great photo of her. Her eyes really shine, really draw you in.

Eyes are important in these head shots and are often the first thing you see, where the viewers eyes go. But sometimes it’s a smile like Mackenzie’s. A great smile and hair that wraps around and frames her face.

That’s the thing about shooting people, and why, more and more, I love it. Every face is different, every shot is different. Personalities and emotion, life, age, all those things can come out on a little two dimensional photograph.

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